Angrak, a leader of great power, has united the barbarian clans. Only a few clans still resist this unity, and Clan Geldane is the most influential among them. Aeren Geldane has come to this yearly meeting of the clans to conspire with his allies against Angrak. Tonight, as he meets with his allies around the campfire, Aeren Geldane must die. It is dusk. From your hiding place you can see the soft glow of the enemy's fire filtering through the dense forest. Somewhere far behind you, a mage is silently spinning a web of magic around the camp. There can be no escape. Soon, your small band of assassins and thugs will kill Aeren Geldane, or die trying. Your master, Angrak, commands it. You cannot let yourself become distracted from this goal. All that matters is Geldane's death. You dip the point of your dagger into a potion of deadly poison. It's almost time...